Who am I?

In an ever changing world

Who am I?

Am I the blue and red hues of my most favored colours,

Am I the moon I praise,

Am I the friends that nurture me,

Or the job that decorates me?

See, the question of who am I has been stuck to my forehead ever since I yelped into existence

So is it true to say that all of life’s embellishments are what make me so?

They are therefore I am?

What if I was blind?

And jobless

With no friends…

Then who would I be?

It is known, I am human, female, Indian, but all the technicalities in the world still do not explicitly explain what makes my soul the way it is.

Who am I?

“Brave and therefore scared”

To find the difference between what we are and who we are is a life long task

There is never a moment where you can undoubtedly say;

“This is me”

We are unpredictable with depths not even ourselves can comprehend until it happens

I am not so much what I do or have; but I am who I am because I do those things, because of the choices and actions behind those decisions to be and do.

I am in a constant state of

“this is me right now”

So don’t fret love,

You aren’t supposed to know who you are,

just know why you do the things you do and do not do

And one day sitting on a rocking chair

You will collect all the moments and say,

“so this has been me”

And you will have to grapple with you.

So try to be a good apple.

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